Knowledge Management Solutions, Inc. (KMS, Inc.) provides complete Education and Training management (E & T) support, web-hosting, and classroom delivered E&T programs, courses, and consulting support services to the Department of Defense, and other government academic institutions.

Knowledge Management Solutions, Inc. (KMS, Inc.) is a veteran owned small business incorporated on 1 October 2000. The corporate office, located in Millbrook, AL, provides convenient access to our Education & Training (E&T), Interactive Simulation Solutions, Curriculum Development, Training Support, Website Design, Development , Management and Hosting, Conference Support, Desktop and Enterprise System Support.

Our primary goal is to design, develop, deliver, and administer quality E&T, Web Technologies and System Support, to any location, at any time, through all delivery mediums. KMS provides complete E&T management support, web-hosting, and classroom delivered E&T programs, courses, and consulting support services to the Department of Defense (DoD), to academic institutions, and others.

Composed of over 22 (full and part-time) individuals, KMS has a greater than 50% retired military presence. Many years of cumulative experience combine to uniquely qualify the KMS Team to meet the technology and education & training needs of your company.

KMS was recognized as one of the top 30 emerging companies in Alabama and received additional recognition by the Montgomery Council of Small Business Enterprises. KMS’ innovative approach to E&T was highlighted on the award winning World Business Review.


Company Size Employees: 22 (Full/Part-Time)
Avg Revenue: $1.2M
Agency Experience: (Sample of Government Agencies which we have served as the Prime or as a Sub)
Academic Centers Maxwell AFB, AL
Air Force Culture and Language Center (AFCLC)
Army National Guard (NGB-ASM ), Alexandria, VA
Secretary of the Air Force (SAF/FMPTB), Maxwell-Gunter AFB, AL
Army National Guard Readiness Center, Arlington, VA
College for Enlisted Professional Military Education), Maxwell-Gunter AFB, AL
Squadron Officer College (SOC), Maxwell AFB, AL HQ
Pacific Air Forces (PACAF/CEPF), Hickam AFB, HI
HQ Air University (AU/FM ), Maxwell AFB, AL
College for Professional Development (CPD/HRC ), Maxwell AFB, AL

Key Differentiators:
1. KMS has a vast amount of experience and capability in all areas of design, development, delivery, and administration of instructional materials for use in the classroom or as Distance Learning.
2. KMS has the ability to leverage a wide variety of educational technologies such as Web, DVD-ROM, CD-ROM, AICC & SCORM conformance, Learning & Knowledge Portals, Learning Management Systems, and Avatars (3D Emotive Virtual Life forms in dynamic environments).

Contract Vehicles:
Teammate on other BPAs – IDIQs

Business Type:
Veteran Owned Small Business

NAICS Codes:
541219     541614      561499      611310    611710
541511      541618      561591      611410
541519     541720      561599      611420
541612     541990      561611      611430
541613     561410       561920     611513

DUNS: 033234407
Cage Code: 1RW81